
Claims Procedures


You should take the following measures to ensure that the claim is settled quickly:

  1. Do whatever is reasonable to prevent the damage from increasing
  2. Report the damage to the Pantaenius claims department immediately
  3. Take meaningful photos of the damage
  4. Send us a detailed damage report and an estimate of the amount of the damage

You can read about further measures in the following overview.

Attend your obligation of loss minimization and take all justifiable action, which may prevent the claim to expand. If necessary, start the mandatory rescue measures. Report the claim immediately to us,enabling us to arrange for an inspection by the insurer or a marine surveyor, if applicable.

Record the damage symptoms by photos, if possible, and alter the location of loss event only after authorization by the police and/or the insurer. Submit a claim form to us, if possible already including photos and an estimate of claim extent.

Report burglary claims immediately to the police and provide thempromptly with a list of stolen goods, which is being given to yourinsurer with the same wording. Ask for a visiting card indicating thename of the police officers, phone number of the competent policestation, and file number / journal number. Report the theft of goodsafter fire damage as well.

Immediately arrange for any stolen creditcards / EC cards as well as any other security papers to be blocked. Ensure that in case of water damages the humidity already existing may escape by sufficient ventilation. Secure in case of storm losspotential openings by tarpaulins or other covers and restore safetyto traffic where possible. Record your own efforts as precisely aspossible. Ensure that replaced or damaged parts are being saved.

If possible, take photos of the damaged items immediately. Do notalter the loss location until authorization, if possible - only if this isnecessary due to security reasons. Keep damaged replaced parts. Quantify the damage by presentation of cost estimates as quickly aspossible.

See to it that your employees are able to make statements with regard to the course of the loss event and technical operations for inspections with marine surveyors and insurers, if applicable. Report all theft of goods immediately to the police.

Report all theft claims immediately to the police. Ask for a visiting card indicating the name of the police officers, phone number of the competent police station in charge, and file number / journal number. Report the theft of goods after fire damage as well.

Disconnect systems from mains after a damage in order to prevent additional damages. Avoid follow-up damages due to ventilation or cooling systems after fire and disconnect / switch these off, as well, if applicable.

Ensure that in case of water damages the humidity already existing may escape due to sufficient ventilation. Remove data storage media from the danger area if possible and keep them in safe custody Entrust specialized enterprises, only, for data rescue after clearance with the insurer and plan input of any backup carefully.

Inform the claimant about name and address of your third party liability insurer and let us know the asserted claims. Do not accept the claims before consulting your insurer, do not make any statements regarding the question of liability and do not make any payments.

Reject any offsetting by the claimant. Let us have all documents relevant for assessment of the circumstances immediately together withthe description of the loss event. This applies for documents received later as well, such as statements of claim and the like.

Report your claims against insured persons immediately to your insurer. Do not accept any claims without consultation with your insurer or start any action that might be interpreted as conclusive action.

Examine consignments immediately on receipt for possible damages and make a note on the letter of consignment/Bill o fLading/Waybill (Clause). Do not issue a clear receipt, even on pantaenius.eu suspicion of damage only. Make sure that in case of delivery of goods in containers the containers and their locks or seals are being examined. In case of damage to the container, breaking or lack of locks and seals and/or deviation from the freight documents note these on the Bill of Lading / Waybill and have the deliverer acknowledge this by signature.

Do not alter the condition of the consignment and its packaging until arrival of the claims agent unless it is necessary to carryout loss minimizing measures. Assert claims for compensation against third parties (Shipping Company, Railway, Mail Service, Forwarding Agents etc.) immediately in writing.

Hold the originator of loss liable in writing. Ask him/them to attend a joint inspection of the damage and demand a certificate of damage. By all means observe the claim deadlines of the forwarding companies for possible recourse.

Report each accident to us which could result in the insurer's obligation to perform and consult a physician. In the event that an accident should result in lethal consequences, this must be reported to the insurer immediately.

Describe the matter in dispute to your legal expense insurer before entrusting a lawyer and ask for a confirmation of cost coverage. Donot make any statements to any investigating authorities without legal assistance.

Make a note of name, address, registration number insurance company and insurance certificate/policy number of the other party involved in the accident. In case of a foreign party involved note the details from the green insurance card. Note names and addresses of possible witnesses and issue an accident protocol.

Report any damage caused by furred game to the nearest police station or the game tenant in charge and secure evidence (i.e. hair), if applicable. Keep in mind that you are bound by instruction in order not to endanger your insurance cover. Please report all damage immediately!