
Adding a new user and grant rights

You can add another user in the user administration. To do this, click on your registered user and switch to "User Administration".

On the User Administration page, you have the option of changing the data and rights of existing users, blocking existing users and creating new users.

To create a new user, click on "Add user".

A form will open, which you can store accordingly with the first name, last name, user name and the associated e-mail.

The displayed user account roles should be selected so that the user can report damage and see a contract overview. By default, all customers are assigned to a new user. If the user should only have access to certain customers, the corresponding customers can be selected using the "Assign customers" button.

Important: Please be sure to enter the current e-mail address of the user. If you press "Save", the generated access data will be shown. The user can now log in to the portal themselves and move around in their roles.